Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sweet As! Great Barrier Reef!

Honestly, one of the coolest days of my life! First, we got to "sleep in" until 7! Then, at 8 we got on a bus that took us to a boat that took us to the reef! The waves from the ocean rocked the boat like crazy, I could hardly walk around. Also, the sea spray was so salty that there'd be literally, chunks of salt in my hair and on my clothes. Then, after what felt like FOREVER we were there! All you could see was these dark spots in the water, looking over the top of it. It was the coarl. I didn't know it but I saw the reef from the plane ride yesterday coming to Cairns. When we got all of our snorkeling gear we saw that sadly some of the coarl had been bleached, but in that area there were schools of fish, and Bridget found an eel! The coarl bleaching was sad though because they don't do it to themselves. Bridget and I swam out really close to the buoys and saw even more fish and a lot of really pretty coarls! Before we knew it we were starving, so we went in for lunch. After letting my food digest a little, I held a sea cucumber and a starfish! Then, I heard Mr. Shagrin and Mr. Ewen saw a shark! They were so lucky to see one because normally they hide away from humans! Bridget and I went back in the water, even though it was super cold. We decided we didn't need life jackets and had a lot of fun diving down into the reef to get up close and personal with it! Amanda and Alex joined us, as the tide started going up. Finally, we were able to see more things again! Before I knew it they were calling us back to go to our hotel. I was so disappointed because I felt like there was so much more to see! I spent the boat ride out side again. When the sun started going down we went by the rails on the side. There were a ton of little islands it was so pretty. I could've stayed there for hours! By the end of the boat ride we were so salty you could see chunks of it on my eyelashes and on my sunglasses! We went out again in the market with Jenny, Megan, Kellie, Reilly, Bridget, and Codie! We had a really great time again!

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