Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blog 1: The start of a new journey

My name is Lexa. Last year was incredible for me. First, my cheerleading team placed 3rd at the cheerleading worlds. Second, Last summer I traveled to China with three of the teachers that are going on this trip. I enjoyed china so much because it was outside of my American comfort zone, it was truly a unique and expirence. After I came home a lot of how I viewed things had changed. I loved the trip so much that I came back. I am extremely excited for this expiriece and who knows what I will learn this time. I am a big fan of doing something out of my comfort zone, just because when I look back at a trip I want to have no regrets. I really hope that this Australia and New Zealand class pushes me and makes me feel akward, because I may never have a chance like this again.

Honestly, I signed up for this class because I studied abroad last year. I couldn't have loved my expiriences there anymore. when I saw that there was another class I wanted to be apart of it so much. Another reason I wanted to be apart of this trip is since I was little I have always have had a desire to travel around the world, including Australia. Getting the chance to go here will be, hopefully, better than I have ever imagined. Also, I think when it comes down to getting a once in a lifetime chance, if I have the opportunity to go I will. I am a strong believer of not letting life pass me by, and I don't want to look back in high school thinking, "I really should have gone on that trip because I could never do such a thing now".

Specifically I am interested in the plane ride. I really hope that I don't faint in the airport again. Also, I am interested in the Great Barrier Reef, just because it is a wonder of the World. I believe that once there I will totally be amazed in the beauty. I think New Zealand will be really cool also because I don't really know that much about it, and really i think the learning experience is really something to look forward to because after studying something for months and months, then actually being there makes the whole experience that much better. I think it makes it better because you don't just learn about everything in a book, you also get a chance to experience it. which is a lot more interesting, and I feel what we learn sticks with us better because of that once in a lifetime experience that we also get out of this class.

1 comment:

  1. Lexa,

    Welcome the 2nd journey of a lifetime. I think this will be a great adventure - different, but similar to China. I think we'll enjoy comparing and contrasting our experiences - might be a great Final project. And also, I can't wait to see the Great Barrier Reef... one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Glad to have you back on board, I would encourage you to share your love of traveling with your classmates.

    Mr. Schagrin
