Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blog 2: Why do I travel?

1. I travel for the experiences. I feel like I travel to escape from the normal everyday boring schedule that I get myself into. While I'm there everything is amazing. Also, I get that sinking feeling of coming home. Once I'm back that old boring schedule becomes new and exciting again. Sometimes when you leave something for a bit, coming back is totally different than it was before. Also, the amount of things I learn about the other country. The only crazy thing is I also learn a lot about our own. I guess I do agree with Pic Iyer, in that sense. I just think that traveling is an indescribable feeling, and depending about how much you lust for the feeling is how much you lust for travel.
2. I think what Iyer is trying to say is traveling changes you. When you travel, it's like a light is turned on for the first time because you get a better understanding of their culture and your culture. I think this relates to me because I am used to seeing the world my way, from an American point of view. When I went to China it was like my eyes were opened to something so strange, everything was new. It was like looking at the world from a little kids point of view.
3. I think the quote relates to my journey because traveling is all about being with what is not normal, out of what you see everyday. The awkward memories are the most fun, and the one's you will remember the most. It is exhilarating.
4. I don't believe that it is the people's responsibility to share ideas. I know they have the possibility, but i don't feel that it should be necessary to share their ideas there. I feel that most people end up "carrier pigeons" though because everybody can't wait to share their pictures, and talk about everything they did.
5. My favorite quote is "...the first great joy of traveling is simply the luxury of leaving all of my beliefs and certainties at home, see everything I knew from a different light, and from a crooked angle". Well i think this basically sums up what I have been trying to explain the whole time. This sensation of seeing things and trying to understand is amazing, and it's just so different. Our country, state, town, house has had us develop a view of the world, and going somewhere and seeing something and hearing the locals talk about it (if they speak English) is eye opening. One story that wouldn't even make the news here, could be headlining there and we wouldn't even know. We don't know how other countries view us, what's important to them, or even how good/bad shape they are in right now. One experience changes everything.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blog 1: The start of a new journey

My name is Lexa. Last year was incredible for me. First, my cheerleading team placed 3rd at the cheerleading worlds. Second, Last summer I traveled to China with three of the teachers that are going on this trip. I enjoyed china so much because it was outside of my American comfort zone, it was truly a unique and expirence. After I came home a lot of how I viewed things had changed. I loved the trip so much that I came back. I am extremely excited for this expiriece and who knows what I will learn this time. I am a big fan of doing something out of my comfort zone, just because when I look back at a trip I want to have no regrets. I really hope that this Australia and New Zealand class pushes me and makes me feel akward, because I may never have a chance like this again.

Honestly, I signed up for this class because I studied abroad last year. I couldn't have loved my expiriences there anymore. when I saw that there was another class I wanted to be apart of it so much. Another reason I wanted to be apart of this trip is since I was little I have always have had a desire to travel around the world, including Australia. Getting the chance to go here will be, hopefully, better than I have ever imagined. Also, I think when it comes down to getting a once in a lifetime chance, if I have the opportunity to go I will. I am a strong believer of not letting life pass me by, and I don't want to look back in high school thinking, "I really should have gone on that trip because I could never do such a thing now".

Specifically I am interested in the plane ride. I really hope that I don't faint in the airport again. Also, I am interested in the Great Barrier Reef, just because it is a wonder of the World. I believe that once there I will totally be amazed in the beauty. I think New Zealand will be really cool also because I don't really know that much about it, and really i think the learning experience is really something to look forward to because after studying something for months and months, then actually being there makes the whole experience that much better. I think it makes it better because you don't just learn about everything in a book, you also get a chance to experience it. which is a lot more interesting, and I feel what we learn sticks with us better because of that once in a lifetime experience that we also get out of this class.